Mobility as a Service. An open platform and a reference topology for integrated mobility in cities and regions.


SmartMaaS is building a correspondingly open, service-oriented, highly modular mobility service platform based on standardised web and FIWARE technologies, the SmartMaaS platform. The purpose of this platform is to facilitate the opening up, interoperability and utilisation of existing relevant services in order to bring them together and make them marketable, following the example of a marketplace in new, international, smart mobility services.

The SmartMaaS platform builds on domain-neutral FIWARE infrastructures and technologies developed under EU funding programs as a service-oriented generic services platform. In addition to application management functions, it also offers management functions. These functionalities are supplemented with standardised technologies from the semantic web as well as linked data approaches.

The digital transformation of European industry

Smart MaaS builds an open platform for integrated mobility and a reference topology for the smart platform in the area of integrated mobility in cities and regions, building on extensive preparatory work by the consortium partners and their specific expertise. This is the basis for scalable MaaS (mobility as a service) in cities, communities and regions. The project is driven by a strong focus on the actual and concrete needs of cities and regions as well as new and established transport operators, and will therefore cooperate intensively and collaboratively with the relevant market players.

The SmartMaaS platform will enable existing, previously largely isolated, often fragmented data sources and applications to be securely combined and marketed using FIWARE and semantic web technologies as standards-compliant web services, and in any environment.

The SmartMaaS platform makes it much easier for external APP developers to implement new ideas, applications, and business models based on the platform. Furthermore, legacy business models and specific markets continue to be supported without major changes to existing software structures, as FIWARE technologies are a platform for platforms. The technical merger of the isolated platforms into a unified portal supports the federal municipal structure, allowing local providers easy and barrier-free access to important data infrastructures, as well as the portability of the solutions to other cities as well as service structures and markets.