Supporting Public Administrations in the field of green areas management in relation to quality of life, economic growth etc.


Funded by the European Commission under the Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF) program-Horizon2020, SPOTTED aims to provide an innovative solution based on the integration and customized processing of massive Open Data collections, including Earth Observation (EO) data, to monitor and support decision makers in the field of green areas management.

Data provided by Open Data portals from the public administrations involved in the consortium, the European Data Portal and Copernicus, including real-time data captured by sensors, which will be handled by means of the CEF Context Broker Building Block. Furthermore, relevant datasets generated by the Action will be made available itself through the European Data Portal.

The ultimate objective is to show how this framework will generate innovation and large-value creation through the implementation of three pilots in Milan, Helsinki and Naples, focused on the monitoring and planning of green areas in the cities in relation to different factors (e.g., tourism impact, quality of life, economic growth etc.).